SpringGrails Asia 2010

Inspired by the recently held SpringOne 2GX in New Orleans where Orange & Bronze is the 1st ever Asian Sponsor and 1st Philippine-based partner, we will host SpringGrails Asia 2010 on January 15, 2010 at the Hotel Intercontinental Manila in Makati City, Philippines. This one-day FREE learning event is the biggest Spring and Grails event and the first of its kind in the Philippines, and in Asia.

In this regard, we are very grateful to invite you and your organization to be part of this big event. This will be a great opportunity for you to learn latest insights on using Spring and Grails technologies. It will also provide convergence for IT experts and industries who are yet to leverage on the power of using Spring and Grails in innovating business success.

Among the event's roster of high profile speakers is Burt Beckwith - is an Architect and Grails Expert, who was the Technical Editor for Grails in Action. Burt was also among the much-anticipated speakers in the SpringOne 2GX in New Orleans last October 2009. Hands-on workshops, business sessions for decision-makers, and actual success stories of technopreneurs who have already experienced the innovation of Spring and Grails are also lined up for the afternoon breakouts.

For more information and to register in SpringGrails Asia 2010, please visit -- www.springgrailsasia.com.
