OpenBravo Menu

Reviewing OpenBravo menu to be able customized it your company needs.

  • General Setup

This menu tree system allow you to create your company setup a.k.a client, Username, changing Roles and creating your company Department.

  • Master Data Management

This menu tree system allow to configure and create your customer data as well as setting up your vendor/supplier, Product/Services, including the Price list.

  • Procurement Management

This menu tree system allow you to create requisition for the different department going to requisition to order.

  • Warehouse Management

This menu tree system allow to to input your Materials or you can use this system to do the inventory system.

  • Production Management

  • Sales Management

This menu tree system allow to do Quotation for your customer , Sales Order and Print the Charge Invoice. It also allow you to generated a sales report using this menu.

  • Financial Management

The Finanacial Menu tree is more on Accounting like the accounting receivable, Chart of accounts, and more.
